Cheng (2014) decomposes the graph and provides some simpler visualizations she also provides the following background: Further, vertical lines linking the temperature display to the number of troops indicate the often perilous river crossings which further decimated Napoleon’s troops).

The visualization depicts the size, latitude, and longitude of Napoleon’s army as they moved towards (tan line) then away (black line) from Moscow temperature during the retreat is plotted as well. 22.2 the law of unintended consequencesįig 6.2: Minard’s display of Napoleon’s catastrophic assault on Moscow, 1812.22 some ethical concerns for the data scientist.21.6 a postscript: The Tidymodels packages.21.5 compensatory versus non-compensatory problems.21.4.1 resampling: beyond test, training, and validation samples.21 machine learning: chihuahuas vs muffins, and other distinctions and ideas.20.2.5 avoiding capitalization on chance (again).20.2 another approach to classification: k-nearest neighbor.20.1.1 applying the model to the test data.20.1 from regression to classification: selection of a threshold.19.3.1 applying logistic regression analysis to the training data.19.3 an example of cross-validated linear regression.19.2.1 splitting the data into training and test subsamples.18.2.2 Warning: there are two regression lines.18.2 correlations based on small samples are unstable: A Monte Carlo demonstration.14.3.1 combining the song titles with our US artists.14.3 drowning in the sea of songs (with apologies to Artist # ARIVOIM1187B990643).14.2.1 applying the function to the music data.14.2 working with geodata: a function to get US states from latitude/longitude.

13.3 Make/extract/combine your own data.13 finding, exploring, and cleaning data.11.3 R markdown documents integrate rationale, script, and results.11.2 projects are directories containing related scripts.11 literate programming with R markdown.10.2 answers to the reproducibility crisis III: Pre-registration.10.1.2 keep a log of every step of every analysis in R markdown or Jupyter notebooks.10.1 Answers to the reproducibility crisis.10 reproducibility and the replication crisis.9.3 continuous probability distributions.9.2.1 keeping conditional probabilities straight.8.2 plotting confirmed cases (Feb-Mar 2020).8.1.9 adding recovered cases (code from Feb, data through Mar 2020).
#Principle app data visualization code#

#Principle app data visualization pdf#